My husband nodded yes, and the man said, "That was some team."
Her husband, sitting in his chair before a massive bank of CB and ham radio equipment, nodded.
She glanced at Sir George, and her husband nodded for her to continue.
Her husband nodded, though that wouldn't have been true at the McGregor farm.
Her husband nodded, looking haggard and drawn and yet happier than she'd ever seen him.
Her husband nodded and smiled, but whether he had heard the question or not, who could say.
Her husband nodded, having cooled considerably, as he did when he put his mind to difficult matters.
Her disabled 71-year-old husband, Robert, smiled and nodded at his soup.
Her lean and obviously fit husband had nodded enthusiastic agreement at my every word.
Behind the store counter, her husband, David, nodded in agreement.