Dionysios, when he sailed, had left as regent his favorite, Timokrates, the husband of Dion's wife.
And as the husband of my popular wife . . . I don't know that I have any personality at all, really.
He hired the husband of his former wife to design a house for him to live in with his new wife and their children?
The husband of the narrator's wife would then be the narrator's step-grandfather.
One guy is the second husband of the other guy's third wife, or something.
Beloved husband of Marion and his late wife Ruth.
Practicing polygamy, Pratt was murdered in 1857 by the estranged husband of his twelfth wife.
He was no longer the father of his children or the husband of his long dead wife.
Anthony, a British journalist living in America, tracks down the first husband of his wife, Lucy, for reasons both unclear and sinister.
The former husband of his second wife was also Jewish, making her son (and Marian's stepson) half-Jewish.