She and her husband, Burton Block, have operated a beef cattle farm in Monroe since 1952.
Her husband also operated a saddle shop just southwest of this site.
Rayburn and her husband operated an orchard near Grandview, Washington.
She and her husband, Eliot Coleman, operate an experimental market garden in the state of Maine.
Her husband has a background in the U.S. military and operates a shooting school in Miami.
She and her husband, Oscar, operated at cattle ranch.
In her later years, Katie and her husband operated a restaurant in New York.
Melissa nodded, concealing a smile as she pictured the ramshackle building where Gloria's husband operated his used-car business.
She and her husband, Sepp, operate the lodge, which harks back to the early days of skiing in North America.
I had some first-aid courses, rolled bandages as a volunteer, and watched my husband operate a few times in emergencies.