Her husband, Hubert, pleads with her to leave with him, but to no avail.
In September 2008, her husband pleaded guilty to official misconduct, in exchange for the rape charges against him being dropped.
She served a five-year sentence for refusing to pay the maids or allow them time off, and her husband pleaded guilty to a lesser offense.
The husband pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice, making false statements and failing to maintain proper records.
So far, a husband and wife have pleaded guilty in the case.
But her husband begged and pleaded to come, too, Ms. Czercowy said.
Harding's former husband has pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering for his involvement in planning the attack.
Her husband, Barry, pleaded not guilty in March to the same charges.
"At least let me drive you," her husband pleaded.
"But he is my only son, and I never see him," pleaded her husband.