The husband does not provide yams to his wife.
"Most ladies need a husband to protect them and provide for them."
I am, as you have good reason to know, a decent and reasonable husband provided my wife keeps herself above suspicion.
Granted, the husband is providing a great living for his family, but the distance and time away obviously strains relationships.
Most of these people are women, like her, who are divorced, often with children, and whose husbands do not provide support.
Andrea would later be told that her husband had provided food for someone's mother.
However, under this passage, a woman is free to leave if her husband doesn't provide for her.
Dorothy desperately needed a fidelity her husband did not provide.
How the young husband provided for his family during the first years of marriage is unknown.
Bachmann and her husband have also provided foster care for 23 other children, all teenage girls.