The 14-year-old alleged that her new husband raped her repeatedly and that she repeatedly miscarried.
In 1997, Lisa Schneeberger found out that her husband had repeatedly drugged and raped her 15-year-old daughter from her first marriage.
On one occasion, Mrs. Spence said, her husband raped her on the floor, in front of their children.
Davis' husband was also physically abusive and had reportedly raped his daughter.
In this case, the husband had raped his wife following an undertaking to the court not to molest her.
Patti Stullieri said, "The wife held a knife to a girl's throat while the husband raped her."
She described to the U.S. Consul how her husband raped her in order to consummate the marriage.
After her daughter was born Aug. 30, tests determined that the 75-year-old husband of the woman who ran the group home had raped her.
When her husband violently raped her for the sixth time, she summoned all her courage and called 999.
The brothel owner's husband raped her and left her pregnant, forcing her later to have an abortion.