Mrs. Bowers declined in a telephone interview to say anything more about how her husband reported he had been captured or released.
Her husband, David, reported that the prognosis is encouraging for her complete recovery.
Her estranged husband quickly reported to the media that there had been a blood clot in her brain.
"Long one," her husband reported, falling back to sleep.
Even more husbands reported that their spouses changed than did wives.
Your husband reported your injuries, both in battle and later.
Then a husband reports a wife who disappears between the eve ning meal and the tucking in of their two children.
In every country, researchers found, husbands surveyed reported greater use of birth control than their wives reported.
Is it really possible not to see the hand in front of your face, I wondered later when my husband reported the same thing.
The husband and wife both reported independently that Leonard was there and hadn't left for home until approximately ten.