She was very uncertain, though, about how her husband would respond to this, and whether he would be able to do the same.
Once he recovered, my husband responded by saying, "That's like promising free rooms, but then charging $20 for the towels."
Minutes later, when her husband did not respond to her calls, she found him lying in a pool of blood near the entrance.
For example, the husband of one couple responded:
My husband has never responded well to threats - and besides, I'm kind of a fool for romance.
Years later, she said, her husband would respond, "See, Pop, those flat feet brought me a long way."
My concerned husband quickly responds, speeding off in the car clutching a two-page list.
"We keep saying 'are', we keep talking about him in the present tense," her husband responded.
"Your imagination is getting the best of you," her husband responded.