In May 2010 she and her husband separated and as of February 2011 are in the process of getting a divorce.
On 24 March 1818 she and her husband separated, though this was only pronounced formally on 6 November 1824.
Around the time of the Communist coup in Afghanistan she and her husband separated.
Ms. Buckmire said she and her husband separated in January 2004, leaving her with the expenses they previously shared.
In December 2011 she and her husband separated after eleven years of marriage.
She and her husband separated in 1966, six months after the birth of Vladya, and divorced the following year.
IN 1991 Barbara and her husband separated after a private detective she had hired discovered he was having an affair.
Donnaire Dillon applied for credt cards in her own name when she are her husband separated.
She was in a strange city, with a husband she didn't know all that well, separated from her parents for the first time in her life.
I've got all the husbands and wives separated, but I forgot about you live-togethers.