However, at that moment the husband urged the donkey past where I stood, and with a helpless shrug, I watched them go.
Her husband initially urged the move to buy properties in Houston more than a decade ago, during the oil bust, she said.
Her husband quietly urged her to speak.
My husband, who is no handier than I am but is a lot less finicky, urged me to drop it.
Her husband, sick with tuberculosis and also illiterate, urged her to come to the free lessons starting in the neighborhood.
Next, her husband, Peter, a radiologist, urged her to draw up a business plan.
The woman's husband became upset and urged her to come see us.
Her husband urged her to submit nude photographs to Gallery magazine's amateur competition.
Heidi Resnick, an assistant buyer, says her husband had urged her to stay home.
But her husband urged her to continue working.