Finally, cover the grape hyacinth bulbs.
Even a cook who has no desire to experiment with wild hyacinth bulbs, quinces, snails or homemade yeast is still likely to find useful new concepts in the well-researched texts.
"I'd save up my allowance and buy one hyacinth bulb," said Mr. Headley, who grew up on the Jersey Shore.
It was as if she were giving me some hyacinth bulbs and saying December was a bit late to plant them.
He looked sober in spite of his humming, till he went to the window to turn the hyacinth bulbs toward the sun, and stroke the cat, who received him like an old friend.
I've tried forcing Dutch hyacinth bulbs for winter bloom, even buying special glass vases, but the result is always the same - tiny flowers, hidden among the foliage.
-You think you're buying three pounds of onions in the shops, get home and find you're actually carrying a bag of the new season's hyacinth bulbs.
Handling hyacinth bulbs can cause mild skin irritation.
-in hyacinth bulbs.
They are actually covers to keep light off hyacinth bulbs!