These could be hybrid creatures or a procession of women with animal-masks.
The polymorphism, for which Lam is well known, juxtaposes aspects of humans, animals and plants, creating monstrous, hybrid creatures.
"These are fantastic birds, typical of the wonderfully hybrid creatures you find in medieval art," Ms. Boehm said.
The sculpture shares certain similarities with French cave wall paintings, which also show hybrid creatures.
These are hybrid creatures, part fungus and part flesh, with tough ball-shaped bodies and clumsy taloned feet.
These hybrid creatures have bodies made of a combination of machine, animal, human, and monster parts.
Another marvel in The Third Policeman is the melding together of bicycles and their riders, who become hybrid creatures - modern centaurs.
The confident, hybrid creature she had become could crumble at any moment.
They were hybrid creatures, bred of owl and hawk and magic.