She pulls the control stick and the little chopper lifts on its hydraulic arm, maybe four feet off the ground.
The hydraulic arms then buffet it to simulate the forces at work during an earthquake.
Lifted by hydraulic arms, the plow rose a foot off the pavement.
This hub is in turn connected to a hydraulic arm.
Are human hands better than hydraulic arms when it comes to driving wood into place?
The board brush is extended and retracted on the left side of the machine by a hydraulic arm.
The ride's huge hydraulic arm lifts the ride 62 feet into the sky and spins it.
The platform is attached to a motor on a hydraulic arm.
The truck's hydraulic arm, which is used to maneuver Dumpsters, struck him in the head, the police said.
There, in an 80-foot-long test bay, buses are set atop hydraulic arms known as actuators, one under each wheel.