In one hydraulic control variant the valve is opened passively by the thrust of the medium.
The manual backup was used to lay the gun, since the hydraulic control was too coarse.
These men would work their hydraulic controls to make their weapons match the indicated angles.
This gave the airplane some rudimentary and unreliable hydraulic control, but better than having no power at all.
He worked the hydraulic controls lifted the scoop to its highest travel.
The key to the system's operation is in the electronic and hydraulic controls.
The Su-9 was the first Soviet aircraft to use hydraulic powered controls.
It was a difficult airplane to fly, physically, because in the early part of the war, they didn't have hydraulic controls.
Work was then in progress to integrate major systems, including electrical, hydraulic and environmental control.
These arms carry electrical, hydraulic, environmental control, and other support functions to the vehicle through umbilical lines.