The hydraulic infrastructure was destroyed on six islands, requiring $1 million (1984 USD) in repairs.
As a result, Little Lake represents a unique amalgam of hydraulic infrastructure, ecological habitat, and nature retreat, all in one.
This hydraulic infrastructure will include the construction of borders, breakwaters and sea walls to fight the sea, as well as dredging the rivers to increase peak capacity.
According to FAO, water fees are too low to meet maintenance and operation requirements for hydraulic infrastructure.
The flood damage was made worse by the presence of human settlements on flood plains and the lack of hydraulic infrastructure on the Sierra and Usumacinta rivers.
Floods and landslides in the rainy season affect a wide range of hydraulic infrastructure.
The NWP has a total budget of 227,130 million pesos (about US$21.9 billion), which does not include operational and maintenance costs of hydraulic infrastructure.
It also occurs where water seems abundant but where resources are over-committed, such as when there is overdevelopment of hydraulic infrastructure for irrigation.
As in many other countries, water resources management in Brazil has historically relied upon heavy investment on hydraulic infrastructure.
This can happen where there is overdevelopment of hydraulic infrastructure, usually for irrigation.