An HFCV is a vehicle that uses a fuel cell to convert hydrogen energy into electrical energy.
Many companies are working to develop technologies that might efficiently exploit the potential of hydrogen energy for mobile uses.
More emphasis will be placed on exchange of information in areas of energy conservation and hydrogen energy.
Now Chevron and scientists from the federal laboratory are working to make hydrogen energy out of decomposed plants.
The "Green Box" converts wastewaster to hydrogen energy.
As of 2011, the town's hospital and governor's mansion were the only two buildings in the world using hydrogen energy.
For example, the rapporteur, Mr Ransdorf, wants Parliament to establish that nanotechnologies ought to be geared to the development of hydrogen energy.
He has also authored numerous technical papers on hydrogen energy and on computer networking.
Billings was touted in the press for his contributions in developing hydrogen energy.
Let's look at some of the chemical dangers that might be associated with hydrogen energy.