Mars may have gone through similar geological and hydrological processes as Earth and therefore might contain valuable mineral ores.
Examples of this hydrological process can be found in many areas of the world.
They are primarily used for hydrological prediction and for understanding hydrological processes.
Not only do they alter the physiognomy of the landscape but also the geomorphic, pedologic and hydrological processes.
Furthermore, modeling the local and global hydrological process is an important component for improving current climate models.
The hydrological processes include evaporation, runoff, and soil salinity.
It publishes papers on analytical, experimental, and numerical methods with regard to the investigation and modeling of hydrological processes.
Also, disturbances from upstream that affect hydrological processes or water quality.
Snowfall, accumulation and melt are important hydrological processes in watersheds at high altitudes or latitudes.
Each of the following versus shows fundamental ideas behind the hydrological processes.