While hydrophobic substances are usually lipophilic, there are exceptions-such as the silicones and fluorocarbons.
The precise molecular mechanisms involved remain largely unknown but they may involve lipid bilayers, which form the backbone of cell membranes and dissolve hydrophobic substances.
Significance: Lignins are hydrophobic, resinous substances and have long been recognized as waterproofing agents for vascular and epidermal cells.
Haloalkanes generally resemble the parent alkanes in being colorless, relatively odorless, and hydrophobic substances.
Sqand, or "Magic sand," begins as ordinary sand, but is dyed and coated in a hydrophobic substance.
Contrary to the common misconception, water and hydrophobic substances do not "repel", and the hydration of a hydrophobic surface is energetically, but not entropically, favorable.
Among other things, they can be used to increase the water solubility of hydrophobic, oily substances or otherwise increase the miscibility of two substances with different hydrophobicities.
The hydrophilic part allows the hydrophobic fatty acids to come into contact with other hydrophobic substances, such as the dirt on the surface that is being cleaned.
In this letter she described an apparatus she had designed to measure the surface tension of monolayers of hydrophobic and amphiphillic substances.
In organic solvent extraction, aromatic compounds as well as other hydrophobic soluble substances such as wax and pigments are also obtained.