All this told Jeffrey that Challenger's hydrophone arrays were working hard to pull in even the subtlest noises from outside.
The all-too-familiar engine noise of eight inbound enemy torpedoes bounced off ridges and escarpments and came in through his ship's hydrophone arrays.
Purely from the standpoint of detection, towed hydrophone arrays offer a long baseline and exceptional measurement capability.
The overall source level has been declining since 1991 but the sounds can still be detected on NOAA's equatorial autonomous hydrophone arrays.
SOSUS systems consisted of bottom mounted hydrophone arrays connected by underwater cables to facilities ashore.
He'd given the order to reduce speed to the bare minimum, just maintain steerageway and support the hydrophone array they were towing astern.
Chief Delaney paced back and forth behind his sonarmen, each of whom were monitoring a specific hydrophone array.
It was recorded using an autonomous hydrophone array.
Challenger turned slowly in a wide circle, to expose her hydrophone arrays on every compass bearing.
Both bottom-mounted hydrophone arrays and towed streamer systems are in use.