The food there is mostly prepared inside the school where the chefs and bakers work under hygienic conditions.
The ministry's policy initiative was part of an objective to create awareness on hygienic conditions in urban areas.
"All of the items returned to the airlines are in a totally hygienic condition," the statement read.
The hygienic conditions and the supplies of food rations became disastrous.
It is probably best not to think about the hygienic conditions when so many people lived so close together for five hot days in August.
We promise you the highest wages, the most sanitary and hygienic conditions.
Clean air, open spaces, hygienic conditions - these were what the park was to give to the city's residents.
This caused very high exposures to workers in poorly controlled hygienic conditions.
During the wine-making process, much attention is given to the hygienic conditions of the cellar and machines.
Bad hygienic conditions are big problems in many areas in Cambodia.