It is an early example of a hypermedia system.
Generally speaking, adaptive hypermedia systems can be useful anywhere where hypertext and hypermedia are used.
However, the truth of adaptive hypermedia systems is somewhere in the middle, combining and balancing adaptation and adaptability.
Atkinson also conceived, designed and implemented HyperCard, the first popular hypermedia system.
That's what data banks and computers and hypermedia systems are for.
Thus, an adaptive hypermedia system aims to reduce the "lost in hyperspace" syndrome by presenting only relevant information.
The most popular adaptive hypermedia systems are web-based systems.
Triantafillou's iterative design of a hypermedia system takes steps towards creating a successful adaptive model.
It was this combination of features that also made HyperCard a powerful hypermedia system.
Moreover, the contributions of these various personas correspond to the different modules that are to be expected in adaptive hypermedia systems.