Mr. Bush said he would ask for $80 million for NASA's share of the hypersonic plane, which is to be built in a cooperative program with the military.
He developed "the Hayes similitude principle," enabling designers to take results of certain tests and calculations about projected hypersonic planes and apply them to a range of similar shapes where tests and calculations were unavailable.
He rued the day of the airship's passing, replaced with hypersonic planes powered by Julia's all-pervasive gigaconductor.
In this article, we'll take a look at hypersonic planes and learn about their air-breathing engines.
What won't be coming anytime soon is the hypersonic plane, the much balleyhooed Star Trek contraption that would fly four or more times the speed of sound - or more than 4,000 miles per hour.
Most descriptions of Aurora, however, describe it as a hypersonic plane with exotic engine technology; the SR-3 described by Aviation Magazine is similar to existing rocket-powered aircraft.
They landed on a roof pad, at the end of a row of small arrowhead-planform hypersonic planes.
The hypersonic plane was parked at the edge of the apron, its silvered skin glittering under the airport floodlights.
The project, which has not yet been officially approved, calls for roughly $300 million to be spent over the next seven years to design and develop a jet engine that could propel a hypersonic plane.
Thus there is heavy pressure here to develop a distinctly Japanese technology for the hypersonic plane.