There is no published way to make a scramjet powered vehicle (or any other hypersonic vehicle) have any sort of Stealth technology.
During re-entry, hypersonic vehicles generate lift only from the underside of the fuselage.
His doctoral thesis developed a new approach for robust intelligent flight control of hypersonic vehicles.
These tunnels are used by military and government agencies to test hypersonic vehicles that undergo a variety of natural phenomenon that occur during hypersonic flight.
Firstly, plasma could be much easier generated for hypersonic vehicle at high attitude with quite low atmospheric pressure and high surface temperature.
"In the medium to long run, we will have a vehicle that will enable us to arrive before we leave, supersonic or hypersonic," he said.
That would be an advantage, but the central motivation in pursuing hypersonic airbreathing vehicles would be to reduce cost.
A variant of SSTO is a hypersonic, scramjet-powered, airbreathing vehicle.
According to 'informal sources', another hypersonic vehicle has been tested, which is equivalent to the X-43.
Billig was awarded six additional patents involving design features of hypersonic vehicles.