Sydney, his wife, told him he was headed right for hypertension medication and that he couldn't play Superman all by himself.
In the summer of 1995, the research institute began work on a study of Cozaar, a hypertension medication sponsored by Merck & Company.
The company recognized that doctors involved in its study of a hypertension medication were having trouble finding qualified patients.
She was treated with a variety of standard hypertension medications but nothing worked.
Concluding that this had caused her deep if hidden stress, the therapist put her on an anti-anxiety drug while continuing the hypertension medication.
Health officials shifted their attention away from Lisinopril, a hypertension medication that the authorities had earlier pulled from shelves as a precaution.
They may tell their personal trainer about their recurring back pain, but neglect to mention their hypertension medication.
People who get moving are often able to reduce the number of hypertension medications they're on, he adds.
Further, many hypertension medications have a diuretic effect that lowers both sodium and potassium levels in the body.
He ran 10 miles a week, stuck to a healthy diet and was on a hypertension medication, all to no avail.