When he had finished, Hamilton watched him narrowly, wondering if he would have to slug him again before the hypnotic took hold.
Leaders who have a hypnotic hold over their followers go beyond ordinary persuasion.
The result is a densely textured, overwhelmingly physical production that has the hypnotic hold of a fat, fine historical novel.
But Mr. Foote's text exerts its usual hypnotic hold, in effortless rhythms of prosaic dialogue that cover a host of disappointments and animosities.
The device concentrates narrative control in ways that only enhanced the show's hypnotic hold on its audience.
But how did Enoch Mgijima get his hypnotic hold on his Isiaelites?
Oddly enough, it's the one place in the world that has a hypnotic hold on him-and also the one that's the least hospitable.
The evening occasionally loses its hypnotic hold, notably in a choreographed Pieta sequence.
Moreover, during his many years as the Knicks' play-by-play man, Albert's Brooklynese had an almost hypnotic hold over native New Yorkers.
Jorja broke the bloody bathroom's hypnotic hold on her and stumbled blindly a few steps along the hall.