If this is true, how come when 50 professional tax preparers who submitted returns for a hypothetical family, no two returns were alike, and 40 of them made significant errors?
This hypothetical family has also been argued to be a member of the broader Dené-Caucasian language family.
To appreciate the scale of these changes, let us look at the Browns, a hypothetical family.
They were asked to create a budget for a hypothetical family.
On Friday morning, the turnout was good at sessions to walk House Democrats through the Gephardt bill, hypothetical family by hypothetical family.
It has become a chestnut of good financial reporting," the author notes, "to ask a sample of tax preparers to work out the taxes owed by a hypothetical family.
States were ranked based on taxes on income, purchases, real estate and other assets of four hypothetical families.
The survey ranked the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on taxes on income, sales, real estate and other assets for four hypothetical families.
In last year's test, only two of 50 who took part were able to prepare what the magazine considered to be an accurate 1040 return for a hypothetical family.
This, however, I failed to inquire into--a reprehensible error on my part, considering that I was working on the basis of a hypothetical family.