In late 2011, it was released on the iOS App Store.
A key problem in the Android Market and iOS App Store is getting noticed.
Freeflight application was removed from the iOS App Store, was updated to include basic piloting controls.
Shady developers stealing assets from other developers and selling them on the iOS App Store isn't a new phenomenon.
On January 13, 2012, WhatsApp was pulled from the iOS App Store.
Shortly after being launched, it quickly become the most popular app on the iOS App Store.
They are additionally available on both the Mac and iOS App Stores.
These developers warned, however, that it wasn't fair to make direct comparisons with the iOS App Store at this early stage.
Given the issues developers have had in the past with the iOS App Store, we asked a number of independent developers their opinions about the announcement.
The iOS App Store gives easy access to a vast number of, for the most part, small, simple, cheap applications.