It is available for the iPhone platform in the iTunes App Store.
Apple's iPhone platform has become home to a number of audio games, including Papa Sangre.
The kind of value that the Mac developer community can add to the iPhone platform will make the carriers' heads spin.
This is particularly important given that AdMob's revenue and market share are derived largely from the iPhone platform.
The app has been specifically designed for browsing and navigating articles, blogs, videos and slide shows on the iPhone platform.
This makes it preferable in situations where processing resources are limited, such as on Apple's iPhone platform.
The iPhone platform seems to be tailored to a very specific kind of user experience that is particular to the hardware.
In June 2009, he called for Apple to implement quality control on the iPhone platform.
But they're also aimed at improving the iPhone platform for Apple.
Apple locks down large sections of the iPhone platform, and while the Flash player is not open, much of the surrounding technologies are.