Firing point procedures, Target One, the ice ridge ahead.
They crawled over jagged ice ridges and one open lead that all but defeated them.
Difficulties included a long ice ridge, and the access to the ridge required 1500m of fixed rope.
The vessel was designed to break apart ice ridges deeper than the vessel's draft when moving astern.
Then I crawled out and crept to a lookout point along a fractured ice ridge.
A keel's depth of an ice ridge is much higher than its sail's height - typically about four times.
The other was brighter and more uniform, but crisscrossed by long, narrow ice ridges.
He studied the sub and men racing over the ice ridge.
He shrugged, bouncing slightly as the Cat rode over a series of ice ridges.
The parka-clad man ran along the ice ridge, diving down the far side, running full tilt.