Maybe there is a place in NAIA where he can purchase a brick of ice-cold milk, so that he will not even have to stop at a 24 Jam on the way home.
If it's too late for that, try calamine lotion, compresses with ice-cold milk, plain ice, or over-the-counter one percent hydrocortisone cream.
I pretended to fill tumblers of ice-cold milk and to drink them with apparent delight.
I told her about the joy of running on good snow in the sunshine, sweeping in stemming christies down the slopes to the inevitable drink of ice-cold milk in the chalet at the bottom.
And a big pitcher of ice-cold milk for cereal, I think this is a cereal morning.
Now, submarine sandwiches and ice-cold milk and burning-hot coffee.
He collected a tall glass of ice-cold milk and walked straight over to Lieutenant Nathan's table, stuck out his hand and announced, 'Hey, how you doin'?
Diners wash them down with a glass of ice-cold milk or a cup of Walker Brothers's coffee, a strong blend brewed all day.
They are given ice-cold milk to drink.
At the Reward Challenge, the team of Bruce, Courtney, Sally, and Terry won videos from home, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, and ice-cold milk.