Or to make it real, the spill may have killed 5000 of these iconic animals.
Every iconic - and not-so-iconic - African animal is found here.
Each season has six sounds ranging from big iconic animals to small and intriguing mini-beasts.
Some of its most iconic animals, such as the American alligator, crocodile, Florida panther and the manatee, can be found in the Everglades National Park.
The Short-beaked Echidna is an iconic animal in modern Australia.
Be humbled by the welcoming smiles of local villagers, wander vibrant modern cities and encounter iconic African animals in the wild.
In Cambodia, the iconic animals - the elephant, the tiger, the snake, the monkey, the sun bear - are seen as magical and divine.
Elk, either in art or in life, are the iconic animals of Jackson Hole, especially in winter.
Jump on board an open safari vehicle to explore the park in search of Africa's iconic animals.
They are always keen to point out exotic species round the world facing danger, but we have this beautiful, iconic animal on our doorstep in dire trouble.