The museum owns the iconic portrait of Robert Burns by Alexander Nasmyth.
Perhaps his most famous piece is his iconic two-tone portrait of Che Guevara created in 1968 and based on a photo by Alberto Korda.
His iconic portrait of Monroe's eyes and lips against a white background, some believe, influenced Warhol's version.
A comprehensive overview of Warhol's iconic portraits of late twentieth-century public figures.
His best known work is the iconic portrait of Arthur Rimbaud which he took in October 1871 (see Gallery).
Then there is the iconic portrait.
So do the iconic portraits and buildings of a country's earthly presence.
His iconic portrait is's logo.
Yusuf Karsh, who has created many iconic portraits, including Churchill, told me once: "Photography is history, truth, and emotion."
The studio also produced the iconic carte-de-visite portrait of the Princess of Wales piggybacking Princess Louise.