Nearly 30 years ago, struggling under the weight of his father's iconic presence - the rock-solid quiet American - the son created his own.
Mr. Poitier is used for his iconic presence here.
Each picture is a diptych, which gives it an iconic presence and the suggestion of some kind of cosmic import (Johnson).
Nonetheless, it had an iconic presence in Chinatown, and was a widely recognised landmark.
"I was asked to create a new sign for the city," he said of his tower's iconic presence in Malmo.
He continues to give familiar subjects, often taken from pop culture, an iconic presence by cropping and magnifying them against monochromatic grounds.
She is asked to be an iconic presence, and she delivers.
I spoke with many people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds and circumstances for whom Elvis was not only a fond memory but a continuing, iconic presence.
Part of the artistic ferment is due to the internationalism suggested by Gary Cooper's iconic presence.
Gone is the iconic, Buddha-like presence with the dyed red beard, leading his musicians down long corridors of improvisation.