The mission "was set up to create an iconic shot of Air Force One, similar to one that was taken in recent years over the Grand Canyon."
They chat until sunrise in a sequence that culminates in the iconic shot of the Queensboro Bridge.
The iconic last shot of the movie with Norman standing in front of the house was used as a Christmas card for various crew members.
Some of his architectural photographs, like the iconic shots of Frank Lloyd Wright's or Pierre Koenig's remarkable structures, have been published countless times.
The route is riddled with oddly familiar scenery, too: many of the iconic shots in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy were filmed hereabouts.
It will span 15 years of its triumphs and feature what he calls "iconic shots from pictures that we've been involved with."
"We added a number of iconic shots around the world like the Eiffel Tower, Tokyo."
Then the wind picked up just enough for Mason to take what would become one of the most iconic shots of the Blitz.
Obviously, the process of chipping away at something as iconic as the moon shot can't be done alone.
Colorful, iconic shots of lonely lifeguard stands, blossoming walk-streets and SoCal sunsets have made him a local darling.