Visually disturbing subjects of this iconoclastic artist have been statuesque figures and stoic faces painted in an eerily and deafening hyper-reality.
The larger ones in Sperone's front gallery might accommodate a decent-length ode, and they share a format novel even for this iconoclastic artist.
Richard was a tough-guy iconoclastic artist who first became sick when Dr. Stein was a young doctor and who died years later after a fairly miserable downhill course.
If anything, Mr. Chappelle's recent notoriety has deepened his mystique and burnished his image as an unpredictable, iconoclastic artist.
During the German occupation of Paris, New York became the new mecca for Europe's iconoclastic artists and writers.
As an iconoclastic artist, she is a threat to the community's sense of propriety.
Throughout his 20s, Smith made his living in New York City as an iconoclastic artist known for his highly recognizable paintings.
PAGE 26 Being Rauschenberg An iconoclastic artist has become an American institution, which in turn has made him very wealthy and very much in demand.
While Christina experiments with sexual freedom and socialism among a crowd of iconoclastic artists, her childlike father burrows deep into his fantasies.
Both are also admired in New York's downtown dance world as iconoclastic artists and genuine nice guys.