And, oh yes, the advertising agency that's working with us wants to hear from you with any ideas about what we should call our bread.
And the idea, they call it a unifying receiver because one receiver is used for multiple devices.
A patent usually includes a section that briefly describes the idea called the abstract.
This idea calls for right triangles at a ratio of five to four to three used in the gateways to measure all parts.
The idea, for example, in programming you call the operating system and say I want to create a file.
One idea that recently percolated across the Internet called for people to collect, trade and sell not the physical stamps but their digital images.
The latest idea for a political compromise on health care legislation calls for a device known as a trigger mechanism.
They got the idea for this from something called an electric blanket/ he told the reporter.
The original idea called for there to be one maid working at the apartment.