A thousand images and ideas collided in Tom's mind.
He was about to step through the wall when two irrec- oncilable ideas collided in his brain.
This idea collides with mainstream golf instruction, but is shared by Sean Foley.
His ideas have collided with the reality of a budget deficit, skeptics in Congress, special interests and the slow-turning wheels of bureaucracy.
He's not out to slay anyone with solos; instead, he's working out different ways around the old structure of theme-solos-theme, and he seems particularly interested in making ideas collide.
In this multidisciplinary work, movements and ideas collide, often in unexpected ways.
Two quite separate ideas are colliding in the minds of Spain's anti-religious socialists.
And in any event, the idea of expanding the 15-nation European Union collides with endless questions.
The European idea, because it is based on competition and a policy of completely free trade, is colliding head-on with money in these economic wars, and now these currency wars.
Instead, she has produced a series of dreamlike miniatures in which ideas, images and characters endlessly collide, pick themselves up and head off in their own directions.