He brushed aside questions of whether the idea would offend.
The whole idea offended her, as well it should, coming as she did from the most benign environment ever created by humans.
The following ideas, one hopes, will not offend the recipients, and may even beautify them.
For some reason the idea of checking up on the girl offended Aitrus.
'Which is to say that the idea of being married to him offends you?'
Somehow the idea of that flower in this dismal place offended him.
The idea offends responsibility; it warrants abolition in the new Legislature.
The idea that someone saw fit to have her cut down in the street greatly offended me.
The idea of this Miles's small fingers riffling through Johanna's life offended him.
I'll sleep here on the sofa if the idea of me in your bed offends you, but I'm going to stay!