Over the period 1883 to 1926 his ideas resulted in 19 additional patents.
The idea resulted from his love of smooth, lump-free mashed potatoes.
The idea resulted in the creation of present-day eye banks.
His ideas result from removing himself from society in preference to the company of classical books.
Every now and then, such ideas even result in reforms, like the addition this year of a new category for best animated feature film.
But four years ago, ideas of a more immediate and practical nature resulted in his most ambitious project to date.
His ideas and work with tobacco resulted in the cash crop which brought about the Virginia colony's economic success.
The idea for a museum resulted from an exhibition held in November 1988.
A simple but effective idea from two Coatbridge staff has resulted in them sharing a £500 silver award.
Both ideas might result in a modest boost in savings.