Garbo is the unbreakable icon of idealized beauty.
The idealized beauty is a function of her performance as the doomed ballerina in "Grand Hotel."
Traditional Figurative Blake sculpture explores notions of idealized beauty.
The painting is an example of Rembrandt's rejection of idealized beauty.
But pop culture also gives us mass-produced reflections of idealized beauty and virility; in fact, it can provide any reflection we desire.
Certainly, many people find dancers' nude bodies to be icons of idealized beauty and female empowerment.
The aging stars and chorines who populate the show, performing in long-outmoded styles, are unsettlingly reflected by actors of idealized beauty playing their younger selves.
She died from consumption at 23 and became known as the paragon of idealized beauty.
Though Aschenbach tries to see in Tadzio the embodiment of idealized and innocent beauty, he is consumed with guilty longing.
These paintings are popular in China due to their wide appeal of idealized female beauty, vitality and historic nostalgia.