The players would ideally like to have the designated hitter used in all games.
Whilst I would ideally like to exist in a world free of such companies they serve a purpose.
The chances are that what you are currently on target to receive is less than you'd ideally like.
They would ideally like to have the nomination resolved by then in order to concentrate on Obama.
If there are aspects of the job which you would ideally like to share then put these to your manager and discuss possibilities.
Dr. Moss has his patients "blue sky" - talk about what they would ideally like to do or become.
My conclusion is that I should ideally like to see the old arrangement maintained, with different rules in different countries.
The political parties deny each other's right of existence and would ideally like to annihilate one another for good.
Long-term security is important, but we would ideally like a well-functioning instrument with a vision until 2020.