The combination creates a deep green color identical to Wally's well known green hue (and is actually very tasty).
Some residents have since repainted their facades in similar but not identical colors, leavening the uniformity.
The studios are painted in identical colors, to give the impression that the people on the screen are in the same room.
His eyes are a contrasting cool blue, although the whites of them are the identical colour of the pub walls.
Before the main match, a friendly game was played by very young Belgian selection players, who were playing in colours identical to the cup contestants.
He was wearing a grey shirt and slacks of an identical colour.
The primary disadvantage to the first method is that the grinding process tends to blur layers together, especially layers of similar or identical colors.
Each token is shaped like a child, either a boy or a girl, with four corresponding "mice" tokens of identical color.
In the event of a match between teams who would normally wear identical or similar colours the away team must change to a different colour.
Super Sport buyers can, however, specify their car to match the record-breaker's livery but not in identical colours.