Approximately 90 minutes later, the Ares I/Orion would launch with the crew into a nearly identical orbit.
A precedent for this exists in J002E3, currently thought to be the third stage Saturn S-IVB booster from Apollo 12, in an almost identical orbit.
But, whereas 2021 KD and 2021 KE are in nearly identical orbits around the sun, 2021 KF's orbit is much larger.
These countermeasures include anti-satellite weapons, space mines, and the launching of debris in identical but counter-rotating orbits to a space-based defense.
During the first months Jason-1 shared an almost identical orbit to TOPEX/Poseidon, which allowed for cross calibration.
A bright comet seen in 1880 was found to be travelling on an almost identical orbit to that of 1843, as was the subsequent Great Comet of 1882.
Or perhaps they were not coherent bodies at all, but loosely consolidated-something like a heap of gravel with all the particles traveling through space together, in nearly identical orbits.
The three pieces continued in almost identical orbits, and the comet re-appeared in the morning sky in late October, showing a very bright tail.
The training facility's refinery was in an essentially identical orbit around the Earth-Moon system.
A group of formation-flying satellites very close together and moving in almost identical orbits is known as a satellite cluster or Satellite formation flying.