G.M. built nearly identical setups for each dealer.
Though every product promises the same basic functions, and all have more or less identical plug-and-play setups, they each fit a different niche.
Grady owns pieces of many essential industries that come under the identical setup.
However, the term "TLC" itself was trademarked by WWE, thus other promotions give different names to these types of matches despite having an identical setup.
Several stewardesses have told me about identical setups they've got.
There is an identical setup on the other side of the net.
Every single mat-trans chamber he'd seen had been part of an identical setup, though the shrouding redoubts were all different in design.
Each station has an identical setup of equipment.
The following 20 cities now have identical setups:
Vlad had an identical setup across the road and down a hundred yards.