Albie and Mac followed in identical vehicles, similarly laden.
They are to deliver to the Martian surface identical 400-pound roving vehicles about the size of golf carts.
Belgium ordered 55 vehicles, identical to the German version.
"An identical vehicle could sell for hundreds of dollars from the same auction lot a week apart," he said.
In an identical vehicle next to him he saw Leskov and Solomentsev.
It also meant someone had done a hell of a lot of preparation to find and fit out two identical vehicles for combat.
On the opposite side of the platform an identical vehicle, exactly one-tenth as large, pulled up and stopped no more than five seconds later.
Because of stock class rules, a minimum of 500 identical vehicles had to be produced and sold.
Make sure you compare costs for identical vehicles.
Every one of them showed a more or less identical vehicle alone on a wide-open road, artistically blurred by its flying speed.