Howard University's mascot, the Bison, is designed identically to the Buffalo Bills' "charging buffalo" logo.
The road jersey are identically designed, but with the white and scarlet portions reversed.
There are even sets of four or five identically designed houses.
The two buildings were identically designed, apart from the southern building's larger footprint and floor plan.
These ballots can be designed identically to those used by other voters.
The national banks issued identically designed convertible notes, which were effective in funding the industry and progressively replaced government notes.
All perspectives are designed identically, apart from an outside staircase on the northern side.
The 2011 animated series The Looney Tunes Show introduces an identically designed character named Witch Lezah.
The event offered identically designed pocket and back patches featuring the combined totems of the Thunderbird and White Panther.
Both types of box are labelled as Coleccion Montelbano in identically designed boxes to add to the confusion.