Each of the seven families of mluk is populated by many "characters" identifiable by the music and by the footsteps of the dance.
They wanted a bunch of easily identifiable characters who people could see every week and laugh at before they said anything.
And that doesn't come until the finale when those instantly identifiable characters crisscross.
Juan Francisco, drawn too erratically to have an identifiable character of his own, is Fuentes's model for the decay of the revolution.
He is also considered one of the most identifiable characters in the Punch-Out!!
In both cases, one heard an orchestra with a personality: an identifiable character I can only attribute to its new music director.
As stated above, there are the identifiable main characters, Mohammed and Samir.
They haven't exactly been pulling their weight when it comes to providing identifiable characters for a mobster-hungry public.
There may not be an identifiable national character, but there is a distinctive eclectic style.
Then the vastness of England swallows you up, and you lose for a while your feeling that the whole nation has a single identifiable character.