Dentin formation, known as dentinogenesis, is the first identifiable feature in the crown stage of tooth development.
I didn't even know them by sight, strictly speaking, for their faces were too small to fill in with identifiable features at that distance.
His expedition resorted to pounding staves into the ground to mark their path and to give identifiable features to this sea of grass.
Out of 13 ads, 12 had absolutely no identifiable features except a name at the bottom of the ad!
The murderer tried to destroy all the identifiable features, but every test I can run on what's left proves it isn't t'Stror.
One of the most identifiable features of the Warhammer setting is Chaos.
The most readily identifiable feature is a set of ears pricked in anticipation.
During this time his trademark headband became one of his most identifiable features.
This ant ventures far from its burrow in the Sahara desert, which has almost no identifiable features.
Most teeth have identifiable features that distinguish them from others.