There were two identifiable types of the large avians, with raucous calls and the aggressive manners of predators; brilliantly plumed smaller fliers, a thousand types of what Shawa called "creepy-crawlies," both inland and littoral.
In an effort to correct this, draft horse stallions were put to use, but the result was merely a loss of the identifiable type.
There are three identifiable types of illicit activities concerning fraud emanating from call centers:
There are four identifiable types of warehouses.
By 1916 the register included more than a dozen identifiable types and the breed had spread to Scotland, Ireland, North America, Australia and the European continent.
There are several different identifiable types:
Among the most important types of items recovered were lamellar blades, chert from stone hoes, certain types of projectile points, and identifiable types of pottery.
"It is now widely used and appears to have achieved the status of an identifiable national type."
The residents and visitors to Betty Meeks's Fishing Lodge are a collection of easily identifiable representative types.
"Get Thee Out" has the manner of a narrative mural dominated by the imposing figure of Motl, surrounded by the members of his family, his friends, the village drunk, the constable and other easily identifiable types.