The can also be identified by the color of their skin, the skull bones, and the number and length of the teeth.
They are identified by the red color worn by their members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive hand signs.
It is also identified by the color of the cells when they are stained with special dyes.
Early books were paper bound, but the majority was hard-bound and each later book was usually popularly identified by the color of its hard cover.
Trim levels on the USA version can be easily identified by the color of the outside door handles.
The teams were identified by the color of the shirts they wore, which varied from show to show (see below).
High quality stems can be identified by the fresh green color, and stem length.
These bats can be identified by the nearly uniform color of their bodies.
Leaders were generally identified by the color of their "pots" (hard hats).
Teams are identified by the color of shirts they wear.